Friday, April 26, 2013

Episode 24 - Musical Open Mics (With John Hayes and Brandon Martin!)

Well hello, and Happy Friday! Today's episode is all about musical open mics. Two of them, to be exact.

We first sit down with John Hayes who runs the Pittsburgh Songwriters' Circle Acoustic Open Stage and Bloomfield Bridge Tavern. This mic happens every Tuesday and is a really nice, accepting room for musicians of any experience level. For more information on this mic check them out at their events page. 

After that Zach talks to Brandon Martin of Touchfaster Entertainment. Brandon and Touchfaster produce an open mic at James Street Gastropub every other Tuesday that is hopping. This one is different in that the mic caters really well to bands getting up. You can get information about this mic at their Facebook page. Social media FTW!

Both mics are awesome, and always a good time. Enjoy!

Episode online here.

Episode on iTunes here.

Writing on the floor can also be found on Stitcher!